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IIW Associated Events, Autumn 2015
- Welding Trainer Conference 2015 (16 September): the conference official language is now English. Takes place in NürnbergMesse GmbH Messezentrum Hall 4a NCC NürnbergConvention Center Ost Nuremberg
- 11th Int. Seminar Numerical Analysis of Weldability (27 to 30 September). The most renowned event in this field, organised by TU Graz with the support of C-IX. The Kenneth Easterling prize is awarded every three years at this conference (http://www.tugraz.at/events/seggau/home/)
- 2nd YPIC-International Conference for Young Professionals in Welding (7 to 9 October in Budapest). An innovative concept dedicated to the young generation! Still time to register and be ready for an experience mixing lectures, workshops, welding quiz and a unique opportunity for networking. Registration on www.YPIC2015.com.
- 5th IIW Welding Research and Collaboration Colloquium (28 to 30 October) in Limburg – GERMANY. This series of events is an initiative of SG-RES; this year hosted in Europe by SLV Munich, EWM and Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht.
- Third International Conference on Electron Beam Welding (10-11 November) in Chicago. This event, co-sponsored by the American Welding Society, DVS – German Welding Society and the International Institute of Welding - Commission IV, will be held in conjunction with the FABTECH Show in Chicago, IL from November 10-11, 2015. The conference will bring together scientists and engineers from industry, academia, and research laboratories from around the world to discuss current and future trends in electron beam welding.
The complete list of events is available on the IIW website with the all information on venues and instructions to register (http://www.iiwelding.org/Pages/AllEvents.aspx).